Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Day

Wow.. the easter drama is amazing. I always cried seeing my JC being crucified. although i was wearing my make up. i just can't seem to hold the tears, even though, i saw the same drama yesterday. 

So, today as i am being touched by the drama God took me back to 2 weeks ago. When we are having a morning prayer. That day (i forgot the exact day) as i have done praying all the the items, i was just talking to Him about the meaning of easter. Suddenly, He asked me to see around the room and said 

"my dear, see, when I see people like this, i never regret that I have died on the cross. not a single drop of blood I wanted back in my body because of all of you in this place"

I really cried that i remembered His word to me and at the same time seeing Him crucified for us.. For us..

this is the meaning of easter, knowing how painful it is for Him and how scared He is, but He never regretted that He saved us all. Do you know that He is suffering to death just for you and me???

So this is the challenge to all of you and me:
what do we do next after seeing our saviour did all of that for us? Do we live to the fullest? Do we walk with Him?

- be blessed -

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